Carers emergency plan

Set up a plan to make sure the person you look after will be cared for if you are unavailable because of an emergency

When to use your emergency plan

You should call the number on your carers emergency card if you are unable to fulfil your caring role because of an emergency. Someone else can also call on your behalf.

An emergency is a sudden and unplanned event which leaves you unable to care for someone who would be at risk if left unattended. An emergency could mean that you:

  • are in hospital because of a sudden illness or accident
  • are unable to provide your usual caring duties because of a sudden illness or injury
  • have to travel to help or care for a family member in a sudden emergency
  • are attending a funeral which has been arranged at short notice due to religious beliefs

This service is not for planned appointments such as hospital, GP or hairdresser appointments.

All situations will be assessed individually based on the information provided on your registration form.